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Thursday, November 11, 2010

How to Buy a Used Car Under Book Value

How to Buy a Used Car Under Book Value
Provided By: Auto Insurance Articles
Last updated 6:56 PM Sep-30-2008

Cars are not a great investment. That is what my financier friend tells me all the time. Though it may just be an excuse for him having an old, grungy car there is some truth to it. New cars depreciate the moment you drive them off the lot. Nothing you can do to stop or change that. But if you are looking for a new vehicle there are ways to save money and buy a used car for under book value and at least make you feel like you have received a good investment for your money.
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Auction, the word can scare some. In America we are not used to the type of bartering that is common place all over the world. One place where we can take part in a bartering system is at an auction. Instead of staying away from an auction you should learn to enjoy it and learn how to benefit from it. Vehicle auctions specifically are what I am talking about here.

Vehicle auctions take place nearly every week someplace. There are different rules associated with different auctions so before just showing up make sure you do not need certain credentials. Some auctions require you to have a dealer’s license and if you do not you might not even get in the door to look at what cars are even available.

Repossessed vehicles are a second kind of auction that you may find. There are government auctions, local city police and sheriff auctions that allow you to bid on repossessed vehicles.These are for the general public in most occasions.You may be able to find a car that is in good shape with few miles but that the owner was unable to pay their fines on so was taken. Others are taken for driving without a license and unable to come get their car. These cars are most likely in good running order. But always be sure to take a look at the vehicle you plan to bid on and not bid blindly.

Other kind of auctions includes cities, counties and schools that sell off vehicles they no longer need. These types of vehicles might have high mileage but because of being a fleet vehicle have been well maintained. These cars have had their scheduled tune ups and have been washed and kept looking good. The interior as well is usually in good condition since it was used for work purposes and not family or rough conditions.

So if you want a way to get a good investment for way under book value remember to try out auctions. Of course do not go into it blindly. Learn the auction lingo, know what book value is on the car you are interested in and stand firm on how much you want to bid up to. It is best to go to an auction or two to just watch and take in the action before bidding. Remember you are getting such a good deal because there is not a warranty or guarantee for the car in most instances. If you do your research before you go though you can come out of the auction with a nice used vehicle for an amazing deal.

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Simple Steps to Filing Your Car Insurance Claim

Simple Steps to Filing Your Car Insurance Claim
Provided By: Auto Insurance Articles
Last updated 4:14 PM Sep-29-2008

Having even a teeny-tiny car accident can be one of life's least enjoyable moments. However, accidents happen, and sooner or later, we all have the experience of meeting one of our fellow road travelers up close and personal. Using the following seven steps to filing your claim will help you get over this speed bump as smoothly as possible.
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They aren’t really accidents. They are more of an incident. Usually they are an incident that you would like to forget.

* Understand your policy before a loss, sit down and carefully read your insurance policy. Call your agent or company if you have any questions about what is or is not covered.

* Make sure everyone is okay and check to see if anyone needs medical attention. Even if your injuries are minor, you may still want to have them checked out at a hospital or with your family doctor. Minor injuries can become major, long-lasting injuries.

* Exchange information when you are involved in an accident, get the other driver's name, address, phone number, insurance carrier, and insurer's phone number. Be prepared to give the same information about yourself to the other driver. You can find insurers’ telephone numbers on the proof-of-insurance cards that should be carried on your person when operating a motor vehicle.

* Identify witnesses and ask witnesses to the accident for their names and phone numbers in case their account of the accident is needed.
* File an accident report and contact local law enforcement officers to have an accident report prepared. If law enforcement is not reachable, accident reports and detailed instructions are available at all police departments, sheriff's offices, your local Department of Motor Vehicles office, and on your local Department of Motor Vehicles' web site

* Notify your insurer by contacting your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. An insurance adjuster will review the accident report to determine who caused the accident. If the accident was not your fault, you can have either your insurance company or the at-fault driver's insurance company handle the repair or replacement of your vehicle. If you use the other driver's company, you will not have a claim on your automobile policy and you will not have to pay a deductible.

* Do not release insurers too early. Do not relieve your insurance company of its responsibility until the damages are settled to your satisfaction. For example, have your insurance company handle the claim if the other party's insurance company questions its policyholder’s negligence or offers an unacceptable settlement.

* Consider these settlement factors.
1: Bodily injuries: You may be entitled to a monetary settlement for injuries caused by another at fault (liable) party. It can take several days for some injuries to become apparent.
2: Damages: The insurance company is responsible to pay for the reasonable cost of repairs to your vehicle. An insurance adjuster will assess the damage. Usually, insurance companies and auto body shops negotiate disagreements about what should be repaired. If you disagree with their conclusions, you have the right to obtain another appraisal at any auto body shop.
3: Appraisal clause: Most auto insurance policies include an appraisal clause, which can be used to help settle disputes about physical damage claims between you and your insurance company. (The appraisal clause does not apply for claims you file with the other party's insurance company.) If you cannot reach an agreement with your company, you or your insurer can initiate the appraisal clause. Your appraiser and your insurer's appraiser then select an independent umpire to try to resolve the dispute. Check your policy or ask your agent or insurance company for more information about the appraisal clause.

And that is it. While filing a claim is certainly no fun, following these seven steps will make the process almost as easy as getting free quotes and purchasing your car insurance at

You can read more about insurance claims in our extensive claims question and answers section.

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Chattanooga, TN

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Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes. It should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell any insurance product, or to provide financial or legal advice. This information is provided for information purposes only.

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Monday, November 8, 2010

Tips for First Time Insurance Buyers

Tips for First Time Insurance Buyers
Provided By: Auto Insurance Articles
Last updated 10:12 PM Dec-09-2008

There are many scary things in this world. Buying insurance for your first time should not be one of them. In the next few paragraphs, I will offer some tips, which will remove the fear of first time auto insurance buying.

First, you should research the definitions of the types of coverage out there. An educated decision is usually a good decision. Sometimes people experience problems comprehending definitions from a manual. If you are this type of person, you might want to find out if any of your family members or friends is in the insurance industry. They may be able to do an adequate job familiarizing you with the insurance terms or definitions.

After familiarizing yourself with the types of coverage, plan to give yourself enough time to shop for the right types of coverage with the right company at the right price. When you wait to the last moment, you run the risk of not being able to purchase the types of coverage you desire.

Without planning enough time to call around and compare the rates for the types of coverage, which you desire, you also run the risk of purchasing your coveted insurance at a higher rate. In addition, companies vary in their service in which they offer their customers. Some companies offer some flexibility when you look to change your insurance coverage in the future as your needs change. You may end up compromising these when you do not give yourself enough time researching the various insurance companies that are out there.

Now that you have researched the types of insurance coverage that are out there to prepare you for an educated decision and you have allocated enough time to execute this to your advantage, you need to determine your insurance needs. A licensed insurance agent can be a good aide in helping you assess your insurance needs; however, determining your insurance needs will be up to you.

Following are some of the questions you will need to answer. Do want extra medical coverage for the party in the other vehicle? Are you looking for only what the state requires to cover your tag? Is your vehicle so old that you need towing coverage? Alternatively, does a lien holder own your vehicle, and as a result, you need extra coverage for your vehicle? Is there more than one driver who needs to be insured on your policy?

Since you have assessed the types of coverage you need, you now need to determine how much insurance to purchase. Always purchase as much insurance as you can afford.

Does it make sense to purchase the most insurance possible, and as a result, your policy cancels in 90 days because you cannot afford the monthly payments? On the other hand, does it make sense to purchase the least amount of insurance types of coverage possible when you can afford more? If you currently cannot afford the types of coverage you desire, some companies allow you to 'upgrade' your policy (increase the types of coverage) in the future.

There is another thing to consider when you are determining how much insurance types of coverage you can afford. If you are currently financing the cost of a vehicle, or you are going to purchase a vehicle and you are going to finance its cost, there is a good chance your lien holder will require you to carry comprehensive and collision types of coverage. These types of coverage help protect the lien holder financially if something happens to the vehicle; however, the cost of these types of coverage may keep you from affording other types of coverage, which you covet.

Again, purchasing insurance for the first time should not be intimidating. To keep it from being intimidating, remember the previous tips. Educate yourself with the types of coverage. Allocate enough time to give you the best possible results. Determine your needs. Finally, purchase as much insurance as you can afford.

The best place for new drivers to shop for insurance is online at If you use their simple quote form to get a quote, the coverage page will give you simple packages to make sure you are covered and protected. You can modify or extend coverage, limits, and deductibles. Getting a car insurance quote is a great place to learn.

Disclaimer: This article is for information purposes. It should not be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell any insurance product, or to provide financial or legal advice. This information is provided for information purposes only.

Articles written by have a copyright and cannot be reproduced or republished in any way or form without the written consent from You may use our RSS feed with an active link to our site.
